Annual Halloween Haunting!

By LA-jan - November 01, 2009

Welcome to Bonnie and Clyde's home for the Annual Halloween Haunt! This years theme "No one but the dead enter and are reborn in this house for tonight!"

All party goers came as the former living and spirited the night with revelry!

Madame Currie literally set the place "aglow" with her personality and Jesse shone as the Vampire with flair!

Janis Joplin and Ana Nicole were in fine form and true to character!

Casting their infectious smiles here with Madame Currie, a She Devil, the woman who died of H1N1 flu virus covered here in covered in snot and sporting bule lips and a red nose and another ghost from the past.

Obi-Wan shares a grin with Flavo-Flav!

The She Devil mixes it up with Aunt Nora and Miss Scarlet O'Hara!

Dick Tracy punks it up with Raggedy Ann!

Martin Doyle, contractor for hire, (alias Pat Doyle Pollard) celebrates a Big Birthday!

Tonight's Costume Winners for:

Most Original: Melanie's Madame Currie
Most Fascinating: Aunt Dorothy's Scarlet O'Hara
Most Hilarious: Dan's Punked out Dick Tracy
Most Infamous: Pat's Chi Rivera
Most In Character: Taylor's Jesus

Wine Tasting Reveal: Most bottles we ever had 14 Varieties!

The Winner! An Italian Wine from a neighbor next door that dropped it off but couldn't stay!

Wonderful night!

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  1. Fun times! Best Halloween party yet!

  2. So fun! WIsh we lived there! I loved that my parents dressed up. I don't know the last time I saw that. H

  3. Oh I wish we could come every year!!! It looks like you had so much fun! What were those trophies?

  4. Costume winners received a box of See's wrapped in that shiny paper. They were holding the wrapped gift, kinda looks like a trophy:)

  5. Every year you all out do the last! What fun! I loved seeing Dan and Bridgette there too!
