There's so much to blog!

By LA-jan - August 24, 2009


We're in Italy again for our cooking class!
Stuffed pasta shells! Aunt Dorothy and Pat get busy perfecting their stuffing skills with the ricotta cheese mixture!

Wow! That's alot of shells! We stuffed the freezer with the shells, for future dinners!

Mom shows off her perfectly stuffed shells! Beautiful!

They are co-ordinated again in their outfits! How do they do that!

They checked out my pictures of the kitchen and then went on to reminisce for the evening about boyfriends, dancing, early careers and proposals. Their laughter filled the house as they remembered precious memories.
As we were leaving, they all marveled at how much more energy they had, "I feel so geat", "I feel like I took a nap!", and "I haven't felt this great in a long time!"
The healing power of laughter and friendship!

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  1. Those look delicious. Please post the recipe if you get a chance, I would love to try them!

  2. What wonderful evenings! I can just hear them laughing!

  3. I love how much those two enjoy life, it's so great!
