Letters in the Mail!

By LA-jan - November 25, 2012

Some of you may have heard that mom kept a shoebox full of soldiers
letters well hidden away. Well, it was discovered not long ago!
When mom was confronted with her stash, she was a
little flustered at the quantity of admiring
letters that were in the shoebox!
We never went through them, but gave her a little tease
and they were set aside once again.
Then, this entry in her diary got me to thinking it
might be a good time to unearth those letters and just have a look.

Can anyone read shorthand?
Well let's just see what one of those letters said now!
(I couldn't find letters from 1942, or from Jimmy, but this
soldier sure felt she was "swell"!) 

Whowza! This guy is smitten! 
I don't think all her letters were this red hot!
This next letter, I see, was a month earlier, although by the same 
soldier. She certainly got a lot of letters from "Kyle".

That was a lot of fun!

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  1. That Kyle was excited about her. Fun to know she had so many admirers.

  2. Looks like "Klyne" to me...I wonder what AHAAK means!
