Not for the faint of heart!

By LA-jan - April 03, 2009

I've noticed lately a few daddy long legs aroung the house. . .

in the kitchen. . .

on the floor. . .

in the sink. . .

on the backsplash. . .

in the corner. . .

up by the ceiling. . .

all in a couple minutes these pictures were taken.
I even was bothered with one in the car! They are everywhere!

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  1. Those look like mosquitos to me! Did you smash them all??

  2. I went on a cleaning frenzy! (They are MUCH bigger than mosquitoes, slow and easy to catch, too)

  3. A pregnant Mommie-Longlegs must have flown in recently and hid behind a plant or something. Now you are seeing all her babies. Thank goodness they are only ugly, not dangerous. At least you have a clean house now!

  4. They are everywhere. I am starting to see the tiny ants coming out. Spring is coming! I guess I can live with a few insects:)
