No more agendas. . .

By LA-jan - May 07, 2012

With no agenda in mind, our goals have changed. Today, we simply wanted to take and enjoyable walk. A new concept for us, as we have usually had an agenda. Had to accomplish something. Had to work on a goal, a project. . . something had to get done! Things have changed. A new mindset. Peaceful. Just a simple enjoyable walk. It was wonderful! 

After selecting a healthy Jamba juice, we took in the sights at the outside mall.

Walking into one retail establishment, Terry modeled a few finds

After a walk around the fountain, we settled nearby for some people watching. Never knew how enjoyable a simple walk could be :))

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  1. I love the simple walks. You guys look so relaxed and happy! Do it again!

  2. I hope he bought that hat...looks awesome!
