So this post is a bit off topic, but I just had too much fun not to blog this.
Now, Dorothy, I know you've had a lot of experience with this.
I've talked about doing it, you even told me about your
experiences, and said it was so easy!
Who knew!?
Terry's Culinary Arts class has it's final project next week.
He gets to make it at home. He felt a little out of his element with this.
I knew Dorothy said it was easy, so I jumped right in!
A salt dough sculpture!
What to do??
We search google images and he was not interested in any of the
crafty looking pumpkins, turkeys, baskets and snowmen.
Then, we stumbled upon this video of a "dead dough"
Wild and exciting, but way too complicated.
We simplified, and borrowed ideas from it
and came up with a
Tonight we started!
First, I drew a template, well, several.
It will be upright with a base.
Actually a 3-D that will look like
3 swans in the water.
Here are the templates carved into salt dough now drying.
(takes a couple of days to dry)
There are two of these that will be the outside, flat bottom on the base
tails touching and necks fanning out slightly.
And this one in the middle.
These will be the outside wings
(we made a few extras)
We even put the swan in water, here with ripples that will be
placed in front of the outside swans:
few extras here too!
And to hide the tail area where they will be glued together,
we make some reeds to put there.
In a couple of days, they should be dry.
We plan to build it Tues. night!
Can't wait to show you the finished sculpture!